The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the effects of ginseng powder, extract, L-carnitine and their combination against sodium valproate induced testicular toxicity in rats, the reproductive performance of male rats with respect to semen parameters, male sex hormones and the testicular antioxidant system. A total of forty two mature male albino rats were divided into six groups of seven rats. The control group received saline, whereas the other five groups received sodium valproate the firs represented positive group, after that four groups received ginseng (100 mg/kg. diet), ginseng extract (10 mg/kg. B wt /rat), L-carnitine (150 mg/kg Bwt/rat /day) or a combination of both ginseng and L-carnitine via a stomach tube daily respectively for one month. At the end of the treatment period, rats were sacrificed, weights of sexual organ recorded and their sperm characteristics count, antioxidant enzyme factors levels (reduced glutathione, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and total antioxidant capacity) and sex hormone levels (testosterone, Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were analyzed. Results showed that the four experimental treatments improved lipid parameters, liver function, sperm parameters, antioxidant enzyme activity and testosterone hormone levels; the most pronounced positive effects were observed in the group that received a combination of both ginseng and L-carnitine. Therefore, the administration of a combination of ginseng and L-carnitine may be beneficial for improving male sexual performance.
Shelbaya, L. (2016). Effect of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) against Testicular Toxicity Induced by Sodium Valproate in Male Rats. Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 47(2), 1-25. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2016.4216
Lobna Shelbaya. "Effect of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) against Testicular Toxicity Induced by Sodium Valproate in Male Rats", Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 47, 2, 2016, 1-25. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2016.4216
Shelbaya, L. (2016). 'Effect of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) against Testicular Toxicity Induced by Sodium Valproate in Male Rats', Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 47(2), pp. 1-25. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2016.4216
Shelbaya, L. Effect of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) against Testicular Toxicity Induced by Sodium Valproate in Male Rats. Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 2016; 47(2): 1-25. doi: 10.21608/bnni.2016.4216